Left from Copenhagen on a 836 DKK ticket with Norwegian – incl. 2 paid bags and ski equipment at 8.10, to fly over a frozen Europe into Grenoble, on time, 2 hours later!
The newly rebuild airport of Grenoble swarmed with chartered airplains, and the baggage hall teemed with tourists in baggage anarchy and holiday atmosphere 🙂
Outside the airport the tourist buses were nicely lined up and it was quick and easy to find the bus going to Tignes. The coach was modern, and the approximately 3½ hours up to Tignes didn’t seem long, among others due to the few stops in Moutiers, Aime and Bourg Saint Maurice for the tourists heading for Les 3 Vallées, Paradis Ski, La Rosiere and Val d’Isère – in all 8 of Europe’s largest ski resorts seperated by only a few hours drive!
The sun was out and the valley was nice and warm – clearly the spring is not far away now 🙂
Tignes offered bluebird and a nice few degrees cold – a perfect arrival day!!

View of Tignes Val Claret from the apartment of Freeskier.dk / Lollke.dk
In the evening the sky closed in and the snow softly started falling.
Throughout the night and the entire Sunday everything has been white in white! Though it has been snowing all night and day, I didn’t find it accumulated as much as I had expected…
Sunday evening the snowh has finally started piling up, and it could look like the the weather forecast might be right about the expectations for the coming night and days 😀
So far we’re looking at 55 cm in 2550 m altitude and up to 1 (ONE) meter!! between 3000 m and 3500 m – before we get BLUEBIRD on Tuesday afternoon 😆
After that, we’re expecting shifting between sun and snow during the X Games Tignes 2013 days, 20-22 March, with mainly sunny days – stay tuned for more in the days to come!!