[da]Den unge amerikanske freeskier Torin Yater-Wallace fra Aspen, Colorado, vandet årets største Europæiske freestyle konkurrence, Superpipe til X Games i Tignes i marts 2012!
Han gennemførte de teknisk svære gennemløb med 5 kæmpe tricks, der var uden sammenligning til nogle af hans konkurrenter, og scorrede i 3. gennemløb hele 95 points – næsten 3 ½ points mere end Thomas Krief, der scorrede 91,66 points i sit 2. gennemløb.
Tredjepladsen gik til dette års vinder i den endnu større søsterkonkurrence Winter X Games i Aspen i januar 2012, David Wise med 90,33 points – og fjerdepladsen tog canadiske Justin Dorey sig af med 90 points.[/da]
[en]The young American freeskier Torin Yater-Wallace from Aspen, Colorado, won this years biggest European freestyle contest, the Winter X Games Superpipe in Tignes, France in March 2012!
He completed the technical difficult runs with 5 giant tricks, which was without comparison to any of his competitors, and scored a massive 95 points in his last and 3rd run – almost 3 ½ points more than Thomas Krief, who scored 91,66 points in his 2nd run, which secured him well earned 2nd place.
Third place went to this year’s winner of the even larger sister contest, the Winter X Games Aspen, in January 2012, David Wise scoring 90,33 points.
Fourth place was taken by Canadian Justin Dorey with 90 points.[/en]
[da]Både Thomas Krief, David Wise og Justin Dorey leverede nogle massive runs med svære tricks og store airtimes, men havde ikke en chance imod selvsikre Torin Yater-Wallace.[/da]
[en]Both Thomas Krief, David Wise and Justin Dorey delivered some massive runs with high quality tricks and massive air times, but none of them had a chance against self confident Torin Yater-Wallace.[/en]
[da]I første gennemløb scorrede Torin Yater-Wallace 93 points med et super flot run.
Thomas Krief levede op til udfordringen, og scorede 87,66, til en 2. plads, som helt klart styrkede hans selvtillid til andet run! Justin Dorey og David Wise kørte også begge nogle flotte runs, men kunne dog ikke flytte noget, men lokale Xavier Bertoni, fra Tignes, kørte ind på en flot forløbig tredieplads med 81 points.[/da]
[en]In his first run, Torin Yater-Wallace, scored 93 point with a super nice run.
Thomas Krief rose to the challenge and scored 98,66 points, enough to put him into 2nd place, which definitely boosted his self confidence for the 2nd run!
Justin Dorey and David Wise both threw some nice and well defined runs, but couldn’t change anything in the top placings. Local Xavier Bertoni, from Tignes, skied into a preliminary 3rd place with 81 points.[/en]
[da]De sidste 3 freeskiers, Gus Kenworthy, Noah Bowman og Matt Margetts leverede alle flotte runs, som dog ikke havde en chance mod den nye generation i toppen.
Torin Yater-Wallace kiksede sit andet run, og Thomas Krief kunne pludseligt lugte podiumplads! Han havde leveret et kanon første run, og med 31.500 tilskuere, fans, træneren samt holdkammerater, som bl.a. Kevin Rolland (4 gange vinder af X Games Superpipe samt 2 gange vinder af Dew Tour 2011 og verdensmester i 2009 – men skadet i år), der alle råbte og heppede på ham, gav han den max gas, og fyrede sine 5 kæmpe tricks af med stor stil og sikkerhed, og scorede 91,66 points, og havde dermed sikret sig en plads på skamlen!
David Wise, Jusin Dory og Noah Bowman leverede alle nogle flotte runs med store airtimes og selvsikre tricks, og scorrede hhv. 90,33 – 90 og 85 points.
Xavier Bertoni, Gus Kenworthy og Matt Margetts kørte alle nogel relativt dårlige gennemløb.
Inden 3. og sidste run stod det klart, at de 8 freeskiers kunne deles i to kategorier, hvoraf kun den ene reelt stadig havde en mulighed for en podiumplads. Kampen for ikke at blive 4. ville blive hård, da alle fire freeskiers var værdige til medaljer!
Justin Dorey var den første af de sidste 4 kampen skulle stå i mellem, men han kunne ikke forbedre sit 2. run, og dermed stod det klart, at podiumpladserne skulle fordeles bland de sidste 3 freeskiers – det var nu kun farverne på deres medaljer, der kunne ændres!
Torin Yater-Wallace gav den, men en god margin til de to andre, max gas i sit 3. run, og fyrede de vildeste airtimes af, mens han sikkert satte sine kæmpe tricks hele vejen ned:
right-side dobbelt-cork-1260
right-side flatspin 900 japan
right-side 900 tail-grab
left-side 1080 tail-grab
right-side switch flatspin 900 japan
Han forbedrede sit 1. run og scorede hele 95 points![/da]
[en]The last 3 freeskiers, Gus Kenworthy, Noah Bowman og Matt Margetts all delivered some nice runs, though didn’t have a chance against the new generation.
Torin Yater-Wallace stomped his 2nd run and Thomas krief could suddenly smell blood – or at least the podium 🙂
He’d delivered a super 1st run and with the 31,500 spectators, fans, the coach and team members – among others, his friend Kevin Rolland (4 times winner of X Games Superpipe, 2 times winner of Dew Tour 2011 and World Champion 2009 – but injured this year), who all shouted and cheered, he went all-in, and performed his 5 massive tricks with great style and huge air times, and scored 91,66 points, and had thereby secured himself a place on the podium!
David Wise, Justin Dorey and Noah Bowman all delivered some nice runs with big air times and self confident tricks, and scored respectively 90,33 – 90 and 85 points.
Xavier Bertoni, Gus Kenworthy og Matt Margetts all skied some relatively shitty runs.
Prior to the 3rd and last run it was clear that the 8 freeskiers could be divided into 2 categories, of whom only one effectively still had a chance of reaching the podium.
The game of not ending 4th would be tough, as all 4 freeskiers was worthy to winning the 3 medals!
Justin Dorey was first of the last four freeskiers between who the battle should stand between, but he couldn’t improve his 2nd run, and thereby it was clear that the podium placings should distributed between the last 3 freeskiers – it was now only the colors of their medals which could change!!
Torin Yater-Wallace went all-in in his 3rd run, and with a nice margin to the two others, he threw this year’s wildest and highest air times, while he self confidently threw his 5 huge and neck breaking tricks all the way down the 7 meters high halfpipe:
right-side dobbelt-cork-1260
right-side flatspin 900 japan
right-side 900 tailgrab
left-side 1080 tailgrab
right-side switch flatspin 900 japan
He improved his 1st run and scored massive 95 points!![/en]
[da]Thomas Krief kunne ikke holde til presset, og kiksede sit 3. run, og endte dermed på en flot og velfortjent 2. plads! Da han kom ned blev han stormet af sine holdkammerater og venner, og træneren kom glidende hele vejen ned gennem superpipens bund til en stor masseomfavnelse, og Thomas Krief kunne til sidste ikke holde tårerne tilbage.[/da]
[en]Thomas Krief could stand the pressure and stomped his 3rd run, and remained on an inspiring and well deserved 2nd place!
As he skied into the finishing area he was stomped by his team members and friends, and his coach came luging all the way down the pipe on his bottom into a huge mass-embrace – finally Thomas Krief couldn’t hold back the tears.[/en]
[da]David Wise kunne heller ikke forbedre sit 2. run, og gik dermed ind på en 3. plads, hvilket på trods af 1. pladsen til Winter X Games 2012 i Aspen, var fortjent og rigtigt flot.[/da]
[en]David Wise neither could improve on his 2nd run and ended 3rd, which despite his 1st place in Winter X Games 2012 in Aspen in January, was both impressive and well deserved.[/en]
[da]Den kun 16-årige Torin Yater-Wallace, der havde trænet super hårdt i dagene op til konkurrencen, og hvis livs største mål, var at vinde X Games Superpipe, kunne dermed række skiene i vejret som dette års vinder af Superpipen til X Games 2012 i Tignes![/da]
[en]The young Torin Yater-Wallace, who had trained exceptionally hard the days up to the competition, and whose life’s biggest goal was to win the X Games Superpipe, could finally put his skis into the air claiming this year’s gold medal in the Superpipe of X Games 2012 in Tignes![/en]
[da]Herunder er der flere billeder fra både træning, kvalifikation og finale.[/da]
[en]Here you can see more photos from both training, qualifications and finals.[/en]